Archive for July 2013

Gannett: Week 7

The general layout of the new is done! I finished adding the required pages and creating the menus on Monday, and on Tuesday added the coloration CSS rules for the top navigation.

There was an interesting bug where individual story contents would not show in the individual-post pages. It turned out that the function do_sociable() wasn’t defined, and so the page was failing and aborting at that point. Because of this, sidebar and footer weren’t being sent to the browser. I fixed this by removing references to that plugin in the template.

Instead of Sociable, I’ve installed 2-Click Social Media Buttons, which protect reder privacy while still allowing sharing. I may change the plugin, though, because that plugin does not perform well when called twice on the same page. Chris Schwartz, who developed the WordPress theme for The Lantern, said that research shows that many people share the story before even finishing reading it, meaning that it’s good to have sharing buttons near the top.

I don’t like how the theme has a grey background and small text for the story, so next week, once I get the widget situation figured out, I’ll ask Dan and the design editor about making the story background white and the font bigger.

Gannett: Week 6

The WordPress database for the new site has been imported. At this point, the site could go live tomorrow if it really needed to.

However, there’s still a lot of work to do before it’s truly ready. I’ve only just started copying the settings over from Jay’s development site. Settings configuration was disrupted Thursday by a sudden 500 error, which appeared to be a plugin misconfiguration or a .htaccess problem. I had asked for FTP access to the server on Wednesday, and received it Friday. Turns out that the problem was a bad .htaccess – the site had been set up and configured in /wordpress/, but someone moved it to /, resulting in WordPress not being able to find any of its parts. One .htaccess edit later, and the site was back.

Next week entails getting all the settings done and convincing someone to regex the MySQL database to fix the links to the photos.

Gannett: Week 5

I finally have server access!

Things were getting a little tense this week as some promised dates were set and fell with no progress, but Wednesday brought the server’s IP address and some modifications to my /etc/hosts file.

The IT folks with Gannett got the server set up this week, and are in the process of migrating our database into the WordPress install. (They need to modify PHPMyAdmin’s config so it will accept file uploads of up to 512 MB. Our database contains more than 10 years of posts.)

Once the import is done, I’ll get to work on the site’s theme, and then The Lantern will have its new website.


Gannett: Week 4

The email template tool has progressed satisfactorily from last week. I haven’t shown it to the editors yet, but Dan Caterinicchia (The Lantern’s faculty advisor) and Jay Smith (The Lantern’s production manager and webmaster) have seen it and approve.

I’ve posted the email template tool to, and If you’re interested, click there to view it. You can also check out a sample of all the current layout options.

The next milestone for the template tool will be adding an option to remove the bottom sidebar ad if none has been bought, allowing for full-width posts on the bottom.

Still no access to the server for the new website.